Mapping Using GIS and RS Technologies Projects

Project Title: Tourist Map Development

Developed a spatial database and tourist map for Adama Cit,Ethiopia.
Client: Adama City Administration Culture and Tourism Office


Project Title: Regional Network for Information Exchange and Training in Emergencies GARNET-E

Contributed to the GARNET-E consortium , a project funded by EU, in creating network of networks among satellite data producers, disaster management agencies, the academia, remote sensing and GIS expertise and enhancing capacity of the use of satellite data for emergency response and sustainable development.
Client: Infoterra, UK


Project Title: Internally Displaced Population (IDP) Mapping

Developed GIS-based databases and maps showing the distribution and movements of IDPs for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in  Gambella National Regional State. An open source desktop GIS application training was conducted for the IOM field office.
Client: International Organization for Migration (IOM)


Project Title: Spatial and Thematic Mapping

Conducted a national baseline survey and spatial analysis of multisource data on the prevalence of five major HTPs and produced spatial and thematic maps.
Client: Ye-ethiopia Goji Limadawi Dirgetoch Aswegag Mehaber (EGLDAM)


Project Title: Spatial and Thematic Mapping

Developed a baseline database of all 90 members of SNNPR HIV and AIDS Forum of NGOs (SHAFON), including their specific operation areas and produced spatial and thematic maps.


Project Title: Information Service on Agricultural Change (ISAC)

Contributed to the ISAC consortium, a project funded by EU, in reviewing the food security monitoring and early warning systems adopted by different organizations in Ethiopia and carried out pilot research on the use of remote sensing technology for agricultural production monitoring.
Client: Flemish Institute of Technological Services (VITO), Belgium


Project Title: A Framework of Enhancing Earth Observation Capacity for Agriculture and Forest Management in  Africa (AGRICAB)

As a member of the AGRICAB consortium, a project funded by EU , GeoSAS is working to create awareness of African Users on the use of Earth Observation (EO) capacity and exploitation of satellite data available through GEONETCast for enhancing agriculture and forestry planning and management.
Client: Flemish Institute of Technological Services (VITO), Belgium


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