Geographic Information Systems, Satellite Imagery, Map Generation and Advanced GIS Applications Remote Sensing Solutions Climate Change and Environment Agriculture and Rural Development Disaster Risk Management and Food Security


Assessing Forest Coverage via GIS Technology

GeoSAS partnering with the German-based BlackBridge Company is cementing a deal to provide a new imagery and mapping technology known as RapidEye 2.4

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is set to assess the country's overall forest coverage with the help of Geographical Information System (GIS) and remote sensing technologies, which are set to be procured from companies based in Germany and GeoSAS from Ethiopia


Internship Program in GeoSAS Consulting Services PLC

Objective of the Internship Program

To provide the interns the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge so as to excel in their professional career by letting them work with experienced experts and providing required facility.


Undergraduate students pursuing their study in the fields of Geomatics Engineering, Physics, Geography, Survey technology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics, and related. However, GeoSAS periodically discloses its field of interest each year to align it with the nature of active projects on board at that particular internship period. Internships are open to students from higher institutes of Ethiopia that have completed 70% of bachelor�s program they are engaged in.

Selection Criteria

GeoSAS identifies priority areas for a given internship period and students in the relevant field are required to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Top academic performance, Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
  • Best performance on core courses of the department
  • Demonstrated performance consistency or progressive improvement
  • Analytical capacity and ability to use knowledge for solving practical problems
  • Commitment to undertake assignments given by GeoSAS
  • Good communication skill

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